How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
What’s the refund policy?
Can I update my registration information?
Is my registration fee transferable?
Can I register online and pay with a check?
What do I need to prepare for the Workshop?
Is there a wait-list?
Are there local hotel accommodations?
Is child care provided?

How can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Send an email to womeninthewordinfo@gmail.com.  Please provide your preferred email address and phone number. Back to top

What’s the refund policy?

Cancellations must be made by Wednesday, September 17, 2025 in order to qualify for an $80 refund. Back to top

Can I update my registration information?

Yes. Please contact us at the above email address. Back to top 

Is my registration fee transferable?

If you have registered and find you are unable to attend, please contact the registrar at womeninthewordinfo@gmail.com. If there is a wait list, your replacement will be taken from the wait list. If you have canceled prior to September 17th, you will receive a refund of $80.

If there is no wait list, you may transfer your registration to another person. We will need a filled-out registration form from your recipient, and she should be willing and able to attend. NOTE: If you need to transfer your registration after the group assignments have been made, your recipient must participate in the same track and group as you were assigned, and she will study the same text.
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Can I register online and pay with a check?

Yes. This option is available in the ‘Ticket Type’ section of the registration. Back to top

What do I need to prepare for the Workshop?

Approximately 3 weeks prior to the Workshop, you will receive a Scripture passage assignment, preparation materials to help you work through your assignment, and your Study Group placement. Using the materials provided, you will explore your assigned text and be prepared to present a 5-minute lesson based on a central idea in the text to your Teacher Track group -OR- a 5-minute explanation of your central idea, and how you got there, to your Personal Study Track group. All participants will either present a lesson or an explanation. This is a key part of the Study Group learning and building process. Your preparation counts! Back to top

Is there a wait-list?

Yes. Once the Workshop is full, you can click the ‘wait-list’ link on this event to be added. You can also send an email to womeninthewordinfo@gmail.com. Please be sure to provide your preferred email address and phone number. The wait-list is handled on a strictly first-come, first-served basis. Back to top

Are there local hotel accommodations?

Hampton Inn in Willow Grove is 5 minutes from Calvary PCA. Room rate is $109, plus tax, and includes breakfast. Call the hotel at 215-659-3535 and mention Women in the Word: a Workshop, or register online using the group code WIW. To ensure the group rate, make reservations by October 3rd. Saturday overnights may be arranged with the hotel for the same price. Back to top

Is child care provided?

No, child care is not provided. Back to top