Author: WiW

Truth: A Crucial 2017 Issue

Commit time to a concentrated study
of God’s truth by attending

Women in the Word: A Workshop
October 13 and 14, 2017.

Our world is filled with voices offering competing truths, especially about spiritual matters.  Jesus came into a world not unlike our own, a world that was already filled with various religions and philosophies.  Reflect on the truth about Jesus as John’s New Testament letters present it.  At the 2017 Women in the Word Workshop, Dr. Karen Jobes will teach on “Walking in the Truth: Studies in John’s Letters.”  “Walking in the Truth About Christ” is one of the topics.


Plan Ahead!

Save October 13 and 14 for the
2017 Women in the Word Workshop

featuring Bible teacher, Dr. Karen Jobes

We live in a world where knowing the truth—or even if there is such a thing as truth—seems to be an uncertain endeavor at best.  Where do we go for truth about God and our relationship with him?  At the 2017 Workshop, Dr. Karen Jobes will teach on, “Walking in the Truth: Studies in John’s Letters.”

On-line registration begins May 1.

Mark your calendar. Avoid the dreaded wait list!


Said by women about the 2016 Workshop:

“The opportunity you give to women to think reasonably about the Word is unprecedented!!!”

“In an elegantly simple way, speaker Libbie Grove’s talks help one connect with deep truth.”

“I loved the study group. I loved the book we were studying. I loved learning from Libbie. I leave feeling tremendously blessed.”

“I feel that learning about and identifying a Central Idea where God is the subject has and will transform my study of Scripture.”

“The Workshop is worth the drive!”

“I experienced unity of Christian women who did not know one another.”

“I feel as if I am adding some extra tools to equip me to study God’s Word more thoroughly.

Click to View Save-the-Date Flyer!